"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one." - Charles Mackay
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
The White Man's Burden
Rev. Sequoyah Ade

"Take up the White Man's burden, send forth the best ye breed; Go,
bind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need; To wait, in
heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild, Your new-caught sullen
peoples, Half devil and half child."

Rudyard Kipling - The White Man's Burden

The United States, like all of Western Europe's former
colonies around the world, is the product of aggression directed
towards populations of independent Aboriginal sovereignties. The
subsequent conquest and near total obliteration of non-European
nations, peoples and identities in the past as well as the present is
perhaps one of the most contested issues in modern historiography.
In the United States, the subject is as a matter of conventional
practise avoided at all costs in the public and professional
discourse. This is in direct contradiction to the professed doctrine
of self-determination and unbiased truth and justice expressed as
national policy within American political folklore.

Many will consider this brief analysis banal and redundant. Others
may regard the query as divisive anti-White racism and still others
will simply disregard it as irreverent to contemporary global
politics. It is important to note that these positions are accepted
in the general social understanding as rational and in some circles
progressive in that they speak to a present as opposed to past
policies of injustice. According to this belief, racism is over,
slavery ended, the Indians lost and in the end, America the land of
the free was the result. The incontrovertible fact that Europeans,
and only Europeans, have been allowed to fully enjoy the fruits of
that freedom is beside the point. Psychologically, White people in
the United States have always found it necessary to rationalise their
history, social policies and ethnic bigotries into something blame
free and racially neutral whenever possible, and ethnocentrically
when it suits their interests precisely because this reality directly
conflicts its own moralistic mythology.

For many Americans, there is a serious and very emotional push to
question whether or not genocide against non-Europeans really does
occur. This is not surprising. Few Americans today are willing to
openly acknowledge the brutal track record of American history or the
system of institutionalised racism that emerged from the colonial
necessity to condone it. It is much more psychologically settling
for Whites to shift blame towards the subjects of the violence than
to accept responsibility for what has occurred incessantly in North
America since the 1492 invasion of Taino territories in the
Caribbean. Not only were ideological justifications manufactured to
rationalise Aboriginal genocide and the enforced servitude and
subsequent systematic dehumanisation of Africans and later Asians,
but rationalisations were also created to retrospectively address in
future years the legitimacy of such deeds.

This observation is very important in that the racialist aspects
inherent in such lines of reasoning are routinely overlooked in
discussions involving how the United States developed into its
current incarnation and how it might possibly come to terms with this
questionable history. The widespread willingness towards evasiveness
and selective narration on the part of United States citizens,
residents and many foreign observers is indicative of a deeper, less
visible set of factors. At its basest level, such attitudes clearly
identify a certain level of individualised paranoia and group
persecution including but not limited to a need to justify White,
ethno-supremacist power. Whites who are comfortable within the
traditional Euro-centric world-view paradigm find it very difficult
to see much beyond this complex and stringently deny that other, more
ethnically diverse concepts deserve equal merit. Such bigotries when
presented as reasonable appraisal are of course overly simplistic and
logically barren, but it is a widely held perception that survives
and is carefully maintained because it serves a vital emotive, as
well as political prerequisite. It elucidates a perception that
European cultures, theologies and ethnicities are by fiat superior to
all outside of this quite limited arrangement of human groupings and
therefore presupposes a mandate that makes European imposition on
these "outside" entities morally permissible. Perception by its nature is a fluid and very subjective component ofhuman thinking and behaviour. It is also a critical factor inunderstanding how Americans, in particular White Americans, can consciously support and often manufacture a variety of absurd and contradictory rationales designed to sustain the Euro-centric supremacist doctrine.

For example, many European descendants of colonialist invaders reject
the assertion that genocide was practised against Indigenous
populations and African slaves. They assert that violence and
slavery are not unique to Europeans and that as a group they cannot
be reasonably charged with sole responsibility for such crimes.
They also generally reject such notions as revisionist multi-
culturalist forms of reverse racism and redefine colonialism as
enlightened Europeans bringing civilisation to backward huddles of
ignorant savages. For non-Europeans this thinking exposes a myriad
of conflicting issues concerning self-identity and internalised
colonial edification as well as social integration. For those who
still suffer ethnic stereotyping, racial profiling by law enforcement
and social marginalization yet still professing faith in the current
system, these contradictions are frequently rationalised into more
palatable images of eventual social acceptability. "We shall
overcome someday", (my emphasis) was not simply a rallying cry, but a
statement of principle by the bulwark of the mainstream civil rights
movement. It should also be understood that the American Civil
Rights Movement of the early sixties passionately encompassed this
singular objective as its central goal and vociferously dismissed
other, more pragmatic and more ethnically conscious revolutionary
programmes. Social change through Integration rather than
emancipation from European socio-political and economic hegemony was
and is, viewed as the Holy Grail by many within this broad
assemblage. And despite the unquestionable fact that after forty
years of pursuing such a capitulating agenda, very little in
empirical benefit has resulted from these efforts. Police still
profile, (by law. If you doubt this, review President Bill Clinton's
New Crime Bill passed into law during his first term) non-Whites are
still subject to discrimination in employment, housing, health and
education and in academics, Western Europe is still touted as a
benevolent, and on occasion, divinely directed illustration of
cultural supremacy.

Yet, many non-Europeans in the United States still cling to the
delusion that full assimilation within White society is the ultimate
realisation of social legitimacy. This lack of self-assurance in the
viability and legitimacy of ethnic identities outside of the European
example is the direct result of colonialist indoctrination official
and unofficial. You will be very hard pressed to find a primary
school textbook that does not proclaim Christopher Columbus as the
discoverer of the Americas. All but a very few churches in the
world display artistic representations of Jesus Christ resembling
anything other than a Western European despite that fact that this is
a scientific as well as theological impossibility. The American
Civil War is still publicized as a struggle against African slavery
and Mexico's defeat at the Alamo a model of American bravery in the
face of overwhelming odds. For Europeans and non-Europeans alike,
this deliberate and redundant misinterpretation of history acts as
the template for the psychological formations that allow Euro-centric
domination to exist intact. One common method used to neutralise
challenges to this complex is the refusal to acknowledge the reality
of Euro-centric racism. This may manifest itself in several
recognisable often co-existing forms that attempt to buttress one
another. Primarily this may entail a stubborn denial of empirically
provable discrimination; a professed blindness to skin colour or
other visible signs of ethnicity and an assertion that racial
equality has already been achieved.

Selective Reasoning

This is a very standardized and highly distorted view of North
American realities. The irrationality inherent within such views is
telling in that there exists in ample abundance massive amounts of
evidence documenting European aggression and hegemony in North
America as well as the social legacies of that history that persist
in the contemporary period. We can even step out of the stateside
model and observe the very same pathology in international examples.
Most of Germany's citizenry claimed total ignorance to knowledge of
the Nazi Party's Final Solution even after government films of the
atrocities were made public. War crimes by American military forces
in Vietnam such as the My Lai massacre once proved beyond all
reasonable doubt to be factual were immediately re-evaluated by
political conservatives that accused the native farming communities
of inciting the butchery by resisting the orders of American
personnel. And today, Israelis vehemently dismiss claims by the
international community that their policy of occupation in the West
Bank suspiciously resembles the Lebenstraumpolitik of 1930's German
fascism. So the United States is not unique in this pathology. The
process itself is so formulaic that one can easily apply it to nearly
any situation in which European expansionism has encountered
populations they did not understand and threatened to stand in the
way of the material desires of colonialist whims. And while it is
quite true that many non-White cultures have employed some form of
genocide and expansionism, this is an often employed but logically
poor excuse for legitimising such practices by Europeans. Despite
assertions to the contrary, colonialism, European or otherwise, is a
well understood and universally recognised wrong and denials to this
actuality are dangerously delusional.

To understand this complex a little better let's examine what I call
European Exemptionalism, the delusional drive to rationalise pro-
White racism by way of a demographically different circumstance. In
this situation we will substitute gender disparities as a synonym for
European colonialism and ethnocentrism. Utilising the raison d'ĂȘtre stated above, male on female rape would be regarded as a normal form of sexual relations that occur between men and women rather than sexual violence imposed by males seeking to dominate and overpower physically and socially weaker females. The fact that the female subjected to the dehumanising effects of sexual violation endures an assault on her sense of well-being, self-image and personal security, such a dictum would demand that she view her misfortune as something separate from what she is experiencing at this very moment and forget the incident altogether. She would also do herself a service by accepting what happened as partly her own fault because she is a female and therefore inherently inferior to males with naturally makes her subject to the male's sexual desires. Finally, she is advised to reconcile with her situation by rationalising her rape as the natural order of things and by encouraging her to capitulate to her abuser by conferring upon him kudos for the violation.

There are those who will object to such a metaphor being used in this
way but there is no denying that this is an accurate analysis of
White attitudes towards non-Europeans that object to White
ethnocentrism. Without the steadfast persistence of anti-racism
activists', Euro-centric chauvinism would remain just another
phenomena that remained largely unspoken and unchecked. Some people
are quite genuine in their denial to recognise the inherent
unfairness and debilitation of institutionalised racism; they choose
not to see the damage White racism has incurred. In the exceptional
story 1984, author George Orwell created a term "Double-think" to
describe how an entire society could be compelled to accept several
contradictory views as a cohesive singular socio-political policy.
This is an accurate synonym for European Exceptionalism past and
present. It assumes a syllogistic logic that on its face isn't quite
logical. Just because Whites assert that racism doesn't exist it
does not diminish the reality of the phenomenon. For White people to
argue that non-Europeans endure no measurable degree of damage
resulting from the past or present manifestations of racism under
Europeans, this is an effort to disassociate themselves from
responsibility for maintaining the conditions that have resulted from
that social policy.

This tendency to avoid recognition of American racism is important in
that it exposes the paranoia Whites have unconsciously internalised
through colonialism. The fear is that by acknowledging racism, its
parent colonialism as a matter of principle would be challenged as
well. And since the United States, Canada, Australia, all of South
America and the entire current state of global affairs are centred
squarely upon European concepts of theology, economics and social
justice, the risk of all this being overturned is simply too much for
99.9% of White folks to stomach. Psychologically this would entail
Whites being forced to see the world as something other than a
playground for White interests. They would be required to recognise
and reconcile with a new world-view that does not place Whites at the
centre of the universe but within the entirety of the human species.
And unless you truly consider yourself ethnically superior to all
others, such developments should not induce fear and loathing.
Psychologists refer to such emotional symptoms as delusions of
grandeur and persecution. Clinically a paranoid subject generally
harbours strong feelings of superiority, personal moral authority, a
need to dominate others and finally a perception of persecution when
the first three components are not satisfied. The paranoid
individual regularly distorts reality by refusing to accept any
concept or conditions that challenge his or her perception of
personal certainty. Such a person will also freely reinterpret and
misrepresent facts to prove or disprove issues that contradict his or
her position no matter how illogical or fanciful that position may
be. White Americans as individuals and as a sociological faction
typify this diagnosis and so do nearly perfectly. I do not expect
this statement to be accepted by Whites at face value and it need not
be. The symptoms of European ethnocentric pathology are tangibly
evident all around us. We only need open our eyes to see it. As
long as Whites stubbornly resist the reality of racism, pro-White
racism will continue to exist. And every time pro-White racism is
challenged, European Exceptionalism can be expected to fuel
resistance to accepting the limitations imposed by accepting
recognition of the frailties inherent within their own
posted by R J Noriega at 8:08 AM | Permalink |


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